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  • Writer's pictureRobert McClure

SNL Boldly Continues To Open Show Without Comedy

New York, NY - Late night variety show, “Saturday Night Live” made the bold decision to continue its moratorium on comedy by opening with a choral number despite the fact that the world could clearly use a laugh right now. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put a dark cloud over our world. Our nation is divided. People are losing hope. Is it too much to ask that a show that purports to be humorous give us a little humor?

Head writer, Colin Jost, says the answer is “yes. You can’t just write a skit where a fat guy falls on a table or someone plays a cowbell and expect people to connect with it,” Jost explained. “We are professional artists. We are committed to bringing our viewers dry political anecdotes and partisan cheapshots. Plus, we are contractually obligated to use a poorly impersonated Donald Trump in every cold open.”

Lorne Michaels, Executive Producer of the sketch “comedy” show gave us a little insight into the situation: “Obviously, the talent pool is running a little dry these days. I mean, we hired Pete Davidson to just show up. Basically, Darrel Hammond left and we just decided to settle for anyone with “class clown” on their resume. I don’t even think we actually hired Kyle Mooney. Poor Kate (McKinnon) and Kenan (Thompson) are the only ones who even understand the jokes they’re telling.”

With such a bleak offering, it is easy to understand why Michaels greenlit a foreign language choir opening this week’s program. Perhaps at some point Saturday Night Live will try being funny again. But, then again, why break a fifteen year streak?

Some cast members were also interviewed regarding the lack of comedy on the show, but none could produce any coherent thoughts aside from completely un-nuanced political commentary.

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